Dear all, I know this thread has been covered before but not everything was entirely applicable. So yesterday, I take my horse to do Elementary 42. We arrive at the venue in plenty of time, he is nice and chilled, drinks some water (uber hot yesterday) has a munch of some grass/hay. I then tack up and warm up. He worked beautifully, lovely soft outline, fab transitions for about 25 minutes (bit too hot to work for longer). I thought OMG we are going to win this. My turn comes so I go straight from the warm up arena into the main area. Cue..... eyes on stalks, bell rings just past C, horse tenses and pisses off back to A, head up, stiff as a plank. He then decides the photographer is an evil monster and that every camera click is some form of firearm ammunition. The whole test was a disaster due to complete tenseness. Any ideas ?? I did use Confidence EQ before with limited success........ I am losing the will to compete. He is 10 year old Andalusian and has been to quite a few competitions. He is easily distracted. Thanks in advance, Emma

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Dressage Tense test