Just looking for a bit of advice. Having regular lessons and we're making progress but it would be interesting/useful to hear others views and experiences.I'm riding a generally fab but hot mare. She wasn't broken until late (late late - i.e teens) but is a pretty genuine mare albeit with some quirks/issues. My main problem is she crumbles under pressure, both physical and emotional. Previously her go to move has been to rear, which thankfully she hasn't yet done with me but I am cautious to ride her in a way to avoid this happening, now she just goes into panic mode. I've been riding her about 3 months now. My issue is I feel like if she was a car and had a gear box (this is the best analogy I can think of!) I only have access to maybe half the gears and only some of the controls! How did you get your nervous/hot horses to accept the aids? She's extremely forward but I make sure i'm not avoiding putting my leg on and she actually works nicely on a contact (though she can fall in a bit). Her canter is all guns blazing at the moment, but she's unbalanced and she finds the transition stressful. She finds it really hard to chill and be calm whilst riding. Every time you take a break (to give her a stretch/catch her breath) when you restart you have to almost reset her from panicking. I use tons of transitions and circles but sometimes she feels almost unridable and you have to just keep going and circle/change direction until she breathes. Is she going to calm down?! I'd love to get her doing some lateral work as her movement is pretty lovely but as soon as she feel's the aids I presume she feels trapped and she goes back to panic! I know i'm looking at the long game but is there an outcome where we can go and do a dressage test somewhere?!(She also finds hacking pretty terrifying but that's a separate issue of separation anxiety) Thank you for all your help!

المصدر: Forums

Did your hot (temperament) horses ever cool down?!