Google K**wledge Graph Shows Forms of Government
Do you want to learn more about the Forms of Government from various countries? Search Google for "government of [country]" and Google will show if the country is a constitutional monarchy, constitutional republic, federal republic, unitary state, parliamentary republic, **n-partisan democracy, military dictatorship.

Here's an example for [government of tuvalu]

Google K**wledge Graph Shows Forms google-government-tu

Click one of the Forms of Government and Google will display more information. For example, Tuvalu, a small island in the Pacific Ocean, is a **npartisan democracy, which means that Tuvalu has ** political parties. It's also a constitutional monarchy.

Google K**wledge Graph Shows Forms google-government-tu

Germany is a federal republic, which means it's a federation of states with a republican form of government.

Google K**wledge Graph Shows Forms google-government-ge

Switzerland is also a federal republic, but it's the only country in the world that's a direct democracy and has a directorial system. "Switzerland is the closest state in the world to a direct democracy. For any change in the constitution, a referendum is mandatory (mandatory referendum); for any change in a law, a referendum can be requested (optional referendum)," explains Wikipedia. Switzerland is also a directorial republic, "a country ruled by a college of several people who jointly exercise the powers of a head of state or a head of government".

Google K**wledge Graph Shows Forms google-government-sw

{ Thanks, Herin. }Google K**wledge Graph Shows Forms woV1CihuL-4
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Google K**wledge Graph Shows Forms of Government